
7 Great Questions To Ask To Make Decluttering Easier

Before you start making your decluttering plan it is a good idea to have the answers to these 7 great questions handy to refer to often during your decluttering process. Knowing these answers will make decluttering an easier and faster process for you.

There are many reasons decluttering presents challenges to people. I have developed a 7 question process to help you move through your decluttering journey with ease and confidence.

Some folks have a more difficult time letting go of things than others, It is a good idea especially if you are new to decluttering to not attempt to declutter your sentimental items first because these are the most challenging things to discard.

It is easier to start in the kitchen for example, where there is generally little emotional attachment to things. For me, it is pretty easy to let go of items like a utensil, a kitchen gadget, or kitchen appliances I never use.

No matter what area of your home you decide to begin consider one object to declutter and answer the following helpful questions. By answering these simple questions you will make decluttering easier and faster.

Why are you decluttering? 

The first question to ask yourself is ‘Why are you decluttering’? So often when we set a goal we are unclear on exactly what it is we want. Do you want to declutter because you are downsizing? Maybe you are decluttering because you feel it is time for a change. 

There are many valid reasons to declutter. When you know why you want to declutter and refer to these answers continually while decluttering the process will be easier.

Get started with these great questions to ask to make decluttering easier and faster

Why do you still have this object?

I am constantly on the lookout for something else to get rid of. Why? Because I know clutter is insidious.

When decluttering, it’s essential to know why you still have certain things. Some objects might have sentimental value and remind you of a special memory or person. Others might have once served a practical purpose, but now they’re outdated or no longer needed.

Question why you still have an item. Just because you once needed the things you bought does not mean it is relevant to your current life. I am sure throughout the years you have grown and evolved. Decide whether it fits your current lifestyle and deserves a place in your space.

Does this object bring you fond memories?

Sentimental items prove to be the most challenging objects to curate for a variety of reasons. Often sentimental reasons include a family member. 

Sometimes there are negative feelings attached to a particular item and we still have a difficult time getting rid of some items due to the sentimental attachment. Often our storage space or storage unit we pay rent for is filled with these things.

We don’t necessarily want to see these things and due to the sentimental attachment, we do not want to discard them. Out of sight, out of mind.

If and when we let go of this sentimental clutter there is a good chance we will not miss them. Feeling lighter too is almost always a given.

I have a few meaningful objects in my home from my family. These objects are meaningful to me because they make me smile and are both aesthetically pleasing and useful in their function for the way I live my life. These items are the few things I would take with me if I moved.

I am attached emotionally to these items. They do not take up much space and would fit easily in my vehicle. These things are not clutter.

I also have a couple of couches, beds, TVs, and other household goods, etc that I am not in the least bit attached to. Whether they followed me to a new home or not is unimportant to me.

Does this object make you feel secure or bring you comfort?

Why, is your answer a good reason?

Many of us have an emotional attachment to our possessions. Some of these things provide a sense of security or comfort. It could be a childhood toy, a gift from a loved one, or an item that brings back fond memories, or not-so-fond memories. Oddly we even keep stuff when the memory of such hurt us.

When you’re deciding to keep or discard such objects, reflect on whether they genuinely contribute to your well-being or if they’re simply taking up space. If an item brings genuine comfort or security, it may be worth keeping, but if it’s merely clutter, it might be time to let go.

Do you feel you will hurt others’ feelings if you discard them? 

Often, just like sentimental items, decluttering involves navigating the emotional attachments associated with the possessions that were given to you by friends or family.

You might worry about hurting someone’s feelings by getting rid of a gift they gave you or an item they cherish. It’s essential to prioritize your well-being and space.

Try it, it is difficult at first, and with practice, like anything, it gets easier the more you do this.

I have said this before and I will say this again no loved one wants us to feel burdened by their past possessions.

Did this object cost a lot of money?

The monetary value of an item can sometimes cloud our judgment when decluttering. You might feel reluctant to part with something expensive, even if you no longer use or need it.

The money is already spent! Holding onto an item because it costs a lot when you purchase it can lead to unnecessary clutter.

Does the item still add value to your life? If not, let it go. 

You could also sell this item if it is new or gently used. Recouping the money you originally spent, and at times at an inflated price, may make discarding easier.

Does this object fit your current lifestyle?

As I said, as our lives evolve, so do our needs and preferences. Isn’t this wonderful! How boring it would be if we stayed the same? When decluttering, consider whether each item fits into your present routines, interests, and activities.

If an item no longer complements your lifestyle, it may be time to part ways with it, freeing up space for things that better reflect who you are now.

How often do you use this item?

One of the most practical considerations when decluttering is how often you use an item. Objects that sit untouched for months or years are likely never going to be used again – by you! These things are just taking up valuable space.

Consider donating! If an item rarely sees the light of day, it may be better off finding a new home where it can be appreciated and utilized.

Donating items I no longer need or want makes passing on a thing feel pretty cool. I compiled a 17-page e-book guide showing you how to donate decluttered items, most at no or very little cost to you. Grab your free copy here.

What do you want more this object or a clutter-free home?

Ultimately, decluttering is about prioritizing what matters most to you. You need to decide what you value more: holding onto things or enjoying a clutter-free and organized living space.

While it’s natural to form attachments to some objects, it’s also liberating to let go of things that no longer serve you. By asking yourself this question, you can gain clarity on your decluttering goals and make decisions that align with where you are currently.

At the end of the day, you need to decide what you want. If you have had objects for a long time it may now be a habit more than anything. Decluttering is a great time to replace habits.

Often people suffer from clutter blindness. Because things eventually become part of your landscape you are not even noticing them anymore. Just because you decorated your home with faux plants 30 years ago does not mean you have to live with these dusty things today. Change is good! Change is motivating!


A lot of people cannot start decluttering because they can’t seem to get started. They are waiting for some great motivational moment to come to them. It won’t.

Other folks don’t know where to start decluttering so they don’t start. Think about that. That sounds like an excuse to me.

Just start. Anywhere. Start with the things that will be the easiest decluttering decisions to make.

Pull out the junk drawer in the kitchen, and dump the contents. Only put back the things you use. The junk drawer is a great place to start because few of us are emotionally attached to the old elastics and bits of string we have thrown in there.

Plain and simple, many of us have way too much stuff. The marketing people have been doing a great job selling us a lot of stuff we don’t need.

The statistics of clutter are astounding to me. In 2022 the storage unit rental business was 38 billion – billion with a ‘b’ – dollar industry in the USA. This is just one stat.

The hardest part of decluttering is making a commitment to the decluttering process, and following through. You don’t have to do this alone. In fact it is smarter to have an accountability partner. Over on Declutterbuzz we have a vibrant safe community that will support you and cheer on!

Marj Bates is a life long ridiculously organized declutter-er and artist. Less is more are words Marj lives by in everything she does except collecting dogs. “Dogs are like potato chips! Can’t have just one.” says Marj. Marj wonders if growing up with a fanatically clean Jewish mom means her decluttering and organizational skills are in her blood.

For more Declutter Buzz & Freebies check out our safe and private Decluttering community on our Facebook page. We are a safe and private space of like minded folks tackling this all encompassing clutter thing once and for all. No shame allowed and always a few laughs!

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