
How To Stop Procrastinating Decluttering Your Home

What is procrastination? Oxford Language is credited for the following definition: pro·cras·ti·na·tion, noun, the action of delaying or postponing something. How to stop procrastinating decluttering your home will show you how to end the cycle of procrastinating.

Are you a procrastinator?

I think we all procrastinate some things sometimes. No onw wants to do a dreaded unpleasant task, do they? Certainly not me. Ideally I do the dreaded important tasks first and cross it off my to-do list. It is awesome when this happens. 

Putting off tasks and delaying decision-making can lead to a buildup of clutter and disorganized physical spaces over time, not to mention awreak havoc on our mental health. This buildup of physical clutter can lead to piles of mental clutter. See if any of the following sound familiar.

Do you experience difficulty Letting Go? 

Do you have trouble parting with your belongings even when they are no longer needed (maybe never were!), have no practical or sentimental value? Are you tired of seeing too much stuff in your living or work space? You can change this without making herculean efforts, Start by taking small steps. This works strategy works especially well if you stop thinking about decluttering as scary big projects.

Lack of organization

If you don’t have organization systems in place you will likely find organizing difficult. I am not talking about running out and buying costly snappy containers and hiring carpenters to build built ins for you! I have always lived within a tight budget and those options were unavailable to me. 

Gutter pieces cut to desired lengths are a cheap way to organize

Still I have always been ridiculously organized and clutter free. I have well established routines and (cheap!) systems to be organized and to maintain my organized and clutter free home and art studios. Being organized is a natural tendency for me. I understand others may find this difficult.

Organizing can be learned though by picking up a few effective strategies.  A lot of time it is as simple as replacing some not-so-great habits with better habits. There are so many wonderful products out there today to help us stay organized. Some are cheap and some can be pricey. I always opt for free first.

The alternative would be living in disorder and chaos and I can’t live in with disorder. I think few would consciously choose clutter over being organized. 

Picture of sorted glass in my studio. I found a bunch of lengths of PVC gutter and tubes and it works perfectly to sort colors of glass etc. The tubes fit nicely in clear totes as they would in a recycled carton.

Time management

I’ve been helping folks declutter and organize for a while now and I will tell you the number 1 reason people say they can’t declutter is because they don’t have time. 

We all have the same 24 hours in a day. Yes, some of us are busier than others. Even very very busy people can carve out a few minutes a day to declutter.

My friend Diane decluttered her walk-in closet by removing 2 plus pieces of clothing everyday. In 2 months time Diane hauled 3 big bags of new and gently used clothing to a women’s shelter and she reported it took her less than 1 minute a day. 

an emptied walk-in closet waiting for the clothes to be returned after decluttering has taken place.

So we do have time, we sre not managing it effectively. It is easy today to fall down online rabbit holes and end up wasting big blocks of time. 

A small task doesn’t get much smaller than 1 minute a day, this is all it took to clean out a good size walk-in closet. The best part is Diane got to help so many ladies in need.

The biggest challenge to decluttering is making up your mind you will do this and commit to the process. Once on the decluttering journey many people report seeing what great improvements are being made and this motivates them to keep going. https://declutterbuzz.com/how-to-motivate-a-partner-who-wont-help-you-declutter/

Decision making

Feeling overwhelmed by the volume of items or tasks is one of the reasons we may procrastinate organizing or decluttering. Lacking in decision making skills is another. It can be hell for some of us to make decisions. With practice you can increase your decison making skills.

Even deciding what to declutter first is a challenge to some folks. This is real and there is no need to feel shame. I am aware that decision making has the potential to slow me down so I practice this.

When I realized one day that I could buy a car in less time than it takes me to choose an ice cream flavor I decided it was time to work on my decision making skills. Decision making, like everything, gets easier with practice.

Believe me you have many positive attributes. Right now organizing is not one of them. A friend of mine, a retired business executive, claims to have zero organizational skills. This can change if you want. Deciding to change is all that is necessary for this most important first step. https://declutterbuzz.com/how-to-make-decisions-during-the-decluttering-process/

a box filled with old sentimental jewelry passed down.

Sentimental items can often be the biggest challenge for some people. I wrote an article Guilt Free Tips To Declutter Sentimental Stuff  you may find interesting. I wrote to learn the different strategies about decluttering sentimental items.

A great method is to go around your home and gather all the ‘like’ items, tossing obvious unwanted stuff as you go along. Specifically what I mean is if there are things in the kitchen that belong elsewhere, put them in their proper designated places. 

Don’t worry about not having special organized storage systems set up yet. You mantra for this task is ‘like goes with like’. Just this one act is a great beginning.

Clutter Blindness 

Disorganized individuals may get used to their cluttered surroundings, becoming “blind” to the extent of the problem and its impact on their well-being. Maybe a new pair of eyes is needed. Can you enlist a friend to help? A friend that has great organizational skills will take a look around and make suggestions.

I have a free challenge coming up where I will be addressing clutter blindness We will be going into our different rooms and identifying clutter blindness. If you are interested to join is keep an eye out in our Facebook community group. Declutterbuzz on Facebook is our safe and private group of people where we all come together to help each other. 

Inefficient Storage and Space Utilization 

Failing to utilize storage spaces effectively or lacking proper storage solutions can exacerbate clutter issues.

Many of these things are causes of clutter. How many of these things ring true for you? Here are some helpful suggestions.

Yarns organized by color in free corrugated boxes

Start small

Part of the sneakiness of procrastination is stuff is scattered willy nilly in your physical space and you have no idea what you even have so you buy more. This is what makes home clutter. I’m telling you – ‘like with like’ in its designated place will solve a lot of the chaos and mess. 

Plan to do small tasks. Small tasks are easier to start than big tasks and they are more manageable tasks. Rather than high expectations make little realistic goals. The last thing you want to do is set yourself to not succeed. Set aside enough time in each of your decluttering sessions to give yourself a win!

Find the times of the day you feel energized to do your decluttering and cleaning tasks.

If you are having trouble starting your decluttering journey concentrate on decluttering one object at a time. People with chronic illness, or for various reasons, see progress when they commit to decluttering just one item a day. What often happens is the item becomes two plus items and maybe even 1 box of objects or 1 drawer of things. Again seeing progress is in itself very motivating.

By breaking the task into smaller chunks your decluttering project immediately becomes more manageable. Focus on completing what you consider one object at a time, which can make the task feel less daunting and easy to achieve.

Set a timer

a red timer shaped like an apple is known for the Pomodoro method explained in this article.

There is a method call the Pomodoro Method. The University of Pittsburgh https://www.asundergrad.pitt.edu/study-lab/study-skills-tools-resources/pomodoro-technique describes the Pomodoro method the following: 

Select a single task to focus on. Mark your territory you plan.Set a timer for 25 and work continuously until the timer goes off.

Take a productive 5 min. break-walk around, get a snack, relax 

The reason this method works great is you have a limited amount of time so you work faster to get the job done. It is like being ready to leave the house to get to an appointment and you are 3 or 5 minutes ahead of schedule so you quick run around gathering the dirty laundry to throw a load of wash in before you leave.

Set a clear and concise goal.

You are on your way to a win now! You have set a goal of decluttering 1 object, spending  as little as one minute or using the Pomodoro method of 25 minutes. Yeah you! I believe that if you focus on keeping, tossing, donating or selling the object in question you will achieve a win.


What is the most important thing in your life you want to declutter today? This is your priority. If you are hemming and hawing on what this priority is pick up the first object your eye sees or your hand touches and make this your priority. If this object is sentimental and is going to cause you stress deciding into which category it goes put it down for now. 

Get some decluttering experience under your belt before you tackle the sentimental stuff. 

Starting in the kitchen junk drawer is easy because seldom are we emotionally attached to the broken bits of string you threw in the drawer with the elastics and batteries. You will be on your way to a clutter-free home in no time!

a cup of coffee and a stack on napkins and pen. The words printed on the top napkin are think, visualize, analyze, & imagine


I am a big fan of visualizing my goals! Because it works for me! They said I was nuts when I decided to buy my first (and only!) home many years ago, by the ocean. I kept visualizing this. I had a picture of the ocean view I was insisting on posted where I could see it many times daily. 

The win!

After dragging my real estate agent around for a year we finally found the best house in the world for me! I decided to buy my home before I even opened the front door. The home is surrounded by the sea on a little peninsula with a working lighthouse in a quaint town, even more than I visualized!

I still have the picture I looked at as my visual aid and if you held the image up to my view they look quite alike. Visualize your decluttered and organized new space! Find pictures for inspiration! 

Visualize yourself doing the happy dance in your sparkly new environment! Imagine winning what you were sure you could not!

2 minute rule

I am also a fan of the 2 minute rule – before I even knew there was a name for it. At the end of the day, even when I feel very tired, I still for example take a minute or two to clean off the kitchen counter if there is anything on it. Why? I don’t want to be greeted by a mess in the morning. Same in bathroom. 

the word accountability is spelled out in black and underlined in red on a white background


When I am faced with deadlines and tasks I am not anxious to even start I always set what I call a drop dead date for the task to be finished. This means the task has to be done on whatever due date I decide. This date is recorded on my calendar.

Then I work backwards in my mind to make a manageable time frame to achieve my goal. Each step of my plan is recorded in my calendar with alert notifications set. 

The most important part is telling a friend, an accountability buddy, my goal and my deadline date. I now have to be accountable to another. Because I do not want to feel like a failure I will always meet this deadline. This technique is tried and true and works every time for me.


I know this may be challenging to my ADHD friends out there. https://declutterbuzz.com/decluttering-organizing-for-people-with-adhd/ 

This is where a concrete plan comes in. If you make your decluttering clear and concise you will not have to be distracted about what to do first and next. 

When I only have so much time and need to really focus. I mute my devices. For most chores I prefer to work in silence because I find music and podcasts distracting. I don’t answer calls, I can’t hear notifications because I have turned this feature temporarily off.

darts hitting bullseye target like stop procrastinating to reach your goals

Be good to yourself

I cannot stress this enough. Go easy on yourself. You are doing the best you know how to do today. You are making conscious decisions to get the job done. I suspect it took a while to get cluttered. Accept the fact it will take time to declutter too. You will complete projects when you do. Don’t worry about it, just keep moving the needle.

Stop any and all the negative self talk you may be inclined to do. If you would not allow a friend to speak to you this way you should not allow yourself to speak unkindly to yourself. 

Go easy on yourself. When you know better you will do better. I am sure of this.

create good habits is typed on a light aqua blue background highlighted in red

Overcome icky habits to conquer procrastination.

Overcoming well ingrained procrastination habits is a process. Some days will be good and others not so much. By practicing these techniques consistently and staying committed to the task at hand you will gradually get to where you want to be. 

You will notice increased productivity and an overall lighter feeling due to your accomplishments. Don’t look back. What is done is done. Stay focused on this day! 

One day at a time, one object at a time you will create the environment you visualize living in. The good news is it won’t take long until you feel lighter and as though you are living in a new home!

A+, name perfect Rank.

Marj pic

Marj Bates is a life long ridiculously organized declutterer and artist. Less is more are words Marj lives by in everything she does except collecting dogs. “Dogs are like potato chips! Can’t have just one.” says Marj. Marj wonders if growing up with a fanatically clean Jewish mom means her decluttering and organizational skills are in her blood.

For more Declutter Buzz & Freebies check out our safe and private Decluttering community on our Facebook page. We are a safe and private space of like minded folks tackling this all encompassing clutter thing once and for all. No shame allowed! We will have a few laughs too!

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